Saraswati Bal Mandir > News > Uncategorized > Watermelon partyЁЯНЙЁЯНЙЁЯНЙЁЯНЙЁЯНЙЁЯНЙActivity was held┬аin Vatika to promote consumption of the summer fruit as well as educate the children on the ill effects of junk foods and aerated drink.
Watermelon partyЁЯНЙЁЯНЙЁЯНЙЁЯНЙЁЯНЙЁЯНЙActivity was held┬аin Vatika to promote consumption of the summer fruit as well as educate the children on the ill effects of junk foods and aerated drink.
Watermelon partyЁЯНЙЁЯНЙЁЯНЙЁЯНЙЁЯНЙЁЯНЙActivity was held┬аin Vatika to promote consumption of the summer fruit as well as educate the children on the ill effects of junk foods and aerated drink.